Saturday, March 17, 2012


So from time to time I will swing on by the blog site Newzbreaker owned by Brad Berkwitt, the former boxing scribe turned hardcore porn movie reviewer, and ran by his psychotic nuthugger Geno McGahee, the mental case that stalks all of his former writers. Why do I check in on their crap site you ask? Simple, I just get curious to see if these mental freaks are still stalking me.

There's a real pattern that's developed over the past few years when it comes to these two guys. Basically, if you ever wrote for and decided to leave that site, you pretty much get stalked. Writers such as myself, Antonio Santiago, Kevin Nelson, and others.

Read up on another person that has been impacted by these two disgusting jerkoff's HERE

They do the same thing to each of us.... send alias emails to us starting trouble, using photoshop to alter our faces and then post the photos on their site. They have created blogs about me, They Link our blogs or our websites on their sites and point the URLs to porn sites, the list goes on. I have screen shots, and all of the saved emails in files, and my attorney has a file, and we keep a close eye on them.

McGahee, the fat guy in Chicopee who calls other guys fat on a daily basis sits around and creates these cartoon characters, and calls them writers for his site. One reason he has to resort to this kind of wack behavior is because real writers soon realize he's a mental case and end up quitting. The hypocrisy of this guy is off of the scale. He's more mental than anyone that I know. Anyone that's infatuated to the point where they stalk someone for 5 years for whatever the reason is a clear cut mental case.

Berkwitt, the former boxing scribe, narcissistic, sociopath has turned his once somewhat respetable reputation into the laughing stock of the boxing world. All of this due to his 5 plus year stalking campaign put forth on me, and a few others.

His site a once reputable boxing site has become a wretched excuse of a boxing site. The site is laced with misleading headlines, BS articles like Mike Tyson comebacks, and Pacquiao/Mayweather done deal headlines. This was done to fool the readers. Basically a ploy to garnish more traffic.

The site has lost it's base following. This due to the readers being subjected to strange and twisted artilces that were posted daily that were written soley for me. This confused their readers. The articles were written in a code of sorts, so that only I would know what they were talking about.... thus leaving their readers confused.

The site then swtiched from boxing to TMZ type articles which was the final bullet in the head as far as boxing credibility is concerned. They have since switched back to boxing but the site's ranking is flirting with 400,000 on Alexa, which shows that they have about 40 readers a month left :-)

So then they create this Newzbreaker blog so that they can continue their coded cyber stalking on me, which I find flattering, although odd. Anyone who consumes this much energy on me is definitely a stalker, and without a doubt a mental case.

So there you have it. A McGahee/Berkwitt stalking update. I'll be sure to update you guys in a month or so...Im sure it wont change.

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