Tuesday, August 04, 2009


Can someone please say, "Instant Replay" in boxing? This is sorely needed in some areas of the sport. Nate Campbell sure could have benefited from it. Now anyone who saw the fight between Nate Campbell and Timothy Bradley, clearly saw that Bradley was dominating the fight, and was cruising to a victory. With that said, the result CLEARLY should have been ruled a No Contest, instead of a TKO for Bradley. Boxing needs to fix this, it means a lot to a fighter to not have a TKO on his record if it doesn't belong there.


A new Autopsy plesae? hello??? Does anybody hear me??? Do another freaking autopsy people. And don't let Mrs Gatti go too far. Everybody is innocent in America until proven guilty, but keep a short leash on Mrs Gatti until AMERICAN and CANADIAN officials rule her out!

KARMA - Ahhhhhh I love karma. 8CN is doing very well in the rankings, and has risen FAR ahead of some of our competition. I have written for several boxing sites,and I have been treated like crap by several boxing sites, and now that I own my own boxing site it's refreshing to see it succeed. 8CN writers get treated with respect, and it's a joy to watch them succeed as we as a team succeed.


Sad as it is, I have had to read fat insults from grown adults for years. Whether it was said in a nasty email, or a boxing forum, it's been said. Never to my face I might add lol :-) - Anyway, I have really been working hard at losing weight. So far I have lost 10 pounds. I am being advised by famed trainer Ronnie Shields, and his nutrionist Brian Caldwell. I have dropped 10 pounds in about 2 weeks, and more is coming off as I type this. I am on a strict diet, and a workout plan designed by Brian Caldwell and Ronnie Shields.


My water charity is raising money to build clean water drinking wells in western Kenya. I have merged with "The Water Project" out of North Carolina. The project has built 40, YES, FORTY wells so far. Each well serves about one thousand people. So far we have had donations sent in from Team Robert Guerrero, and Manny Pacquaio signed a boxing glove for us to auction off. Many private donations continue coming in, and I THANK YOU for that. Please visit my water project page at www.8countnews.com and click the "Project Hydr8" button. This is a very important charity to me. Every day in Kenya a child will walk up to 20 miles round trip just to get to a dirty water source. Many times these children drink this water, and they get sick. This can be a death sentence for many of them, as there are no medical clinics close enough for many of them. Help us out, make your donation now.


I'll be in beautiful Biloxi, MS on August 15th for the Roy Jones Jr vs Jeff Lacy fight. Look for exclusives with both fighters. In September I will be in Connecticut to visit my family. In October I will be in Los Angeles for a week with my friend Freddie Roach, and Manny Pacquiao. Look for exclusives with both Roach and Pacquiao in late October.


President Obama and his economic plan has calmed our economy, yet I do have concerns with the amount of cost that will be spent on this health care proposal. I am concerned that inflation is a few years down the road, and the dollar may weaken even more. Hopefully they can figure this mess out without having to raise taxes on the middle-class. Time will tell...... N.Korea is still holding two journalists in a prison over there. President Clinton is over there now, and hopefully he will win their release. I have total confidence in Bill Clinton to pull this off.

That's it for now my fine readers. I'll update you shortly.

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