Thursday, July 15, 2021


 Coco Kimmie continues to ‘Shine’ with latest hit single


CO CO KIMMIE (24:17)

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VIRGINIA – In a time in the world’s history when there’s so much darkness, pain and suffering, it’s so much more important to shine a beacon of hope. That’s the message behind the latest hit single from fast-rising vocalist Coco Kimmie. “Shine” is an exploration of joy as it weaves wonderful ways of caring for each other by embracing natural gifts, talents and abilities and using those things to make the world a better place. With a vibe that’s indicate of greats like Beyonce and Lauryn Hill, Coco Kimmie’s style showcases a mastery of R&B, Hip-Hop and Gospel – and this new single is yet another shining example of how this multi-talented artist continues to deliver the hits.

“There’s so much uncertainty right now with what’s going on in the world and what we’re all experiencing that I believe the lesson of this song is applicable to all of us,” she said. “We need to keep shining and sharing our gifts with the world and being a beacon of light in a time when we need to have hope and to give other people hope. We’re going to have trials in life – that’s part of the experience and the journey. But don’t give up. Keep trying. We all have an internal strength that we can draw upon to continue to move forward in life and encourage one another.”

Born and raised in New Jersey, Coco Kimmie started singing as a young child in the church. She learned to play the piano by ear and was trained to play classical music as an adolescent. Her mom loved Gospel and James Brown, and her dad loved Blues and Country music, so she was exposed to several genres from an early age. When she attended college at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, she sang in the USAFA Cadet Gospel choir and recorded her first CD. She served for 21-plus years in the U.S. Air Force, and upon her retirement in 2015 was inspired to sing again by her daughter. She began singing with the Chocolate Factory Band in 2019, performing in places such as the Sunset Room National Harbor in Marlyand and some upscale private parties through Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia. After working with some other artists in the industry, Coco Kimmie eventually started working on her own music and launched her solo career at the beginning of 2021 with her first single “Keep Ya Head Up.” She’s now following that up with “Shine,” and she said there’s plenty more music planned for this year. 

“I’ve taken a different journey through life, and that journey didn’t initially focus on my creativity,” Kimmie said. “I’ve been active duty military for 21 years, but I’ve often thought about the fact that when I was younger my family would tell me I had a gift given to me by the Creator, and not to hide it but share it with the world. That came to the forefront during this whole global pandemic experience, and I drew on that as my source of strength. Singing was my saving grace during this difficult time, and now I’m jumping in with both feet and sharing it with the world. If I can inspire even one person, that’s a huge benefit to the world. There are so many people wondering when this is all gonna be over and when we can get back to some kind of normalcy. Things are going to change and there will be a new normal, but instead of focusing on that we should focus on what our purpose is and what our gifts are and sharing that with other people. Let’s help one another get through difficult times.”

In addition to “Shine,” Coco Kimmie said she’s looking to launch another single called “Be Strong” sometime early this summer. She also has an EP called “Namaste Free All Day” that will be released later this year.

To listen to Coco Kimmie’s music, or to follow her on social media, please visit the following links:


(Artist website)





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