Tuesday, July 31, 2012


As we get closer to the November Presidential election, the liberal media, IE CNN, MSNBC, ABC, AND NBC, are all desperately cherry picking things that Governor Romney is saying abroad, and completely blowing things out of proportion. The economy is a mess, GDP is SLOWING, and Obama has spent more money in 3.5 years than the last 10 Presidents combined. I am curious about another thing. Why would any African American vote for Obama? The President has done NOTHING to address African American issues. There are more blacks on welfare, more on food stamps, and more unemployed than ever before. Romney wasn't my 1st choice during the Primaries, but he has my support now.
The folks at NASA and space geeks like me are getting pretty excited about "Curiosity" landing on Mars on August, 5th. The Volkswagen sized Rover is currently about 1 million miles from Mars, and is scheduled to touch down at 10:30 PM Pacific time, August, 5th. The landing will be the most complex, and dangerous landing out of all of the Mars missions thus far. If the landing is a success, the rover will patrol the surface for up to two years looking for clues that the planet once had the components to support life.
My Nephew, Brendan is currently in the middle of the most intense Marine training on Earth. He's currently in the Mohave Dessert conducting the MOHAVE VIPER TRAINING, in preparation for his September deployment to Afghanistan. Upon completion of this training, he will get some well deserved liberty time. I will be flying up to Connecticut at the end of August to see him, and my family. I'm getting excited to see everyone. Ed Anderson, my good friend and business partner will be coming down from Boston as well. Good times coming up.
My little one Lanvy will be home from California later this week. She's been in California at her Auntie's house all summer. I miss her terribly. I'm looking forward to seeing her on Sunday. Life is great. God Bless all of you.

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