Tuesday, May 08, 2012


The past week was a very difficult one. We buried our friend our HERO Officer Mike Walter. The procession line was the longest one that I have ever seen. Mike was killed last Tuesday while serving a warrant on a known sexual predator. He was shot and killed in the line of duty. Mike was my friend, and I have to be honest, this one hurt bad. It was difficult to watch his brothers and sisters on the force struggle with his passing. I spoke with the Chief, Ben Schuler about it the day after it happened, his eyes teared up and he said, "How do you prepare for something like this? We have nothing to go by, it's never happened in our community before."
It's going to take awhile for all of us to get past this. Mike and I spent countless hours over the years looking at video of credit card thieves. We would always laugh at the stupidity of some of them. Here's an idea.... Let's steal someone check book, or credit card and go into a Wal-Mart Supercenter that's equipped with hundreds of cameras and spend it. Too funny. We laughed hard at how dumb some of there were.
So now the funeral is over, the fundraiser is over, and we all must try and get back into our routines and live on. I took some time away from boxing, and MMA coverage. I took a break from my boxing site 8CountNews.com, and stayed focused on Mike, and his send off to Heaven.
I interviewed Jeff Mayweather last night and got his thoughts on the Floyd Vs. Cotto fight. It was time to start focusing on the things I love doing. I really enjoy interviewing fighters, and covering fights. I'm thankful for my two incredible God daughters. I love them both so much. They along with the rest of my family are what matters the most to me. My brave Nephew, Brendan, a US Marine about to deploy to Afghanistan. I don't have words to describe how proud of him I am. I admire good positive people. I respect those who make positive impacts on our world. These are the kinds of people that I surround myself with.
People like Mike Walter, who gave the ultimate sacrifice. My Nephew Brendan, a Marine serving his nation. My awesome God daughters, for being the positive, and loving kids that they are. My brother Scott and his awesome wife Dem, two incredible people. These are just a few of many who I admire, love, and respect. My friend and business partner Ed Anderson, a class act. The laughs we share when talking about the two douchebag's are priceless. Life goes on, and I'm ready again. RIP MIKE WALTER.

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